Men In Black Producers Explain The Life And Death Of The 21 Jump Street Crossover Movie

Men In Black Producers Explain The Life And Death Of The 21 Jump Street Crossover Movie

Back in late 2014/early 2015, it looked like the faces of both the Men In Black and 21 Jump Street franchises were going to change. It was a time when Sony Pictures was trying to figure out what was in store for the future of both of the brands, and that shared status led to some interesting talk about to potential of a crossover. Minds around Hollywood immediately started buzzing about the possibilities for the project, and while it ultimately turned out that the film just wasnt worth pursuing, it remains one of the most interesting What If? Hollywood stories of the last few years.

So what exactly happened? How did the project initially start developing, and what was the reason for it never moving forward? For answers to those questions, I recently turned to Men In Black franchise producers Laurie MacDonald and Walter Parkes, with whom I spoke during the recent London press junket for the upcoming Men In Black International.

Approximately two years after the release of Men In Black 3 (which made $624 million at the global box office), the franchise was still looking at how to continue its cinematic future, particularly because there was an awareness that the Will Smith/Tommy Lee Jones era had come to an end with the Barry Sonnenfeld-directed trilogy. Work was being done behind the scenes on another kind of spin-off idea, but the concept wasnt fleshing itself out property. It was at that point that the idea of a radical crossover came into the picture, and it was essentially viewed as an approach that had a crazy enough to work type vibe.

Phil Lord and Chris Miller who were just coming off of the massively successful 22 Jump Street, and had a growing reputation for turning bad ideas into great ideas put forward the idea of a movie that would blend the universes of 21 Jump Street and Men In Black, and reveal that they take place within the same world. It immediately struck Laurie MacDonald as an odd trajectory for the sci-fi heavy franchise, but she was won over by the notion particularly because of the talent of the men making the sale. She explained,

Chris and Phil are maybe the only people... because we love this franchise, and at the moment I think for us to even say 'Okay' to that was a big deal. But we love them! They're amazing. We were a little stalled on another project - we had this initial impulse, and we were having trouble getting a script 'there.' We thought, 'Oh, they're brilliant.'

It was also basically a win-win scenario for the Men In Black producers. According to MacDonald, the deal that was struck gave them the option to back out once a script had been written and that was apparently the only safety net required for the crossover to be explored. Chris Miller and Phil Lord started working on combining the two worlds with help from Rodney Rothman (who would eventually go on to co-direct Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse in collaboration with the filmmaking duo). Unfortunately, though, it didnt quite go as well as hoped. In MacDonalds words,

It didn't quite get there.

There, of course, is the determined threshold where a concept makes the leap into becoming a real potential movie and Men In Black/21 Jump Street was just never able to make it to that point. One might find that surprising, not only because of the aforementioned talent involved, but also because youd expect that both buddy cop-centric approaches would play off each other well. There was, however, a bigger issue which ultimately prevented the project from fully functioning.

As Walter Parkes explained, it all had to do with the way in which each series generated its core sense of humor. For Men In Black it was all about grounding heightened events; while for 21 Jump Street the humor called for heightening what otherwise might be mundane. Putting the two side-by-side, he explained,

After we got into it, I remember, I think [Laurie MacDonald and I] had this conversation: They are at, their heart, opposites. In other words, Men In Black comes down to taking extraordinary situations and playing them in a comedic deadpan way. Jump Street is taking very recognizable genre situations and going over the top with them. And, actually, that doesn't mesh. It was a good intention, and everyone was smart, but when you really step back and look at what's at the heart of either of those two series of movies, they're not very compatible.

If the Men In Black/21 Jump Street crossover were to happen, it sounds like it would have essentially be a robbing Peter to pay Paul situation. Going one way it would have just meant basically turning Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) into lesser-skilled alien fighting agents. In the other direction it would have been a pair of black sunglasses-clad agents entering the world of undercover police work in schools. One franchise would have had to sacrifice its essence in favor of the other, and that just didnt really work.

So the movie didnt get made, and the Men In Black franchise decided to go the International route re-pairing Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson as the new leads but both Laurie MacDonald and Walter Parkes look back with a certain fondness on the 21 Jump Street crossover that was ultimately not meant to be. It was a funny idea, and an outside-the-box approach, and while it proved to be too great a challenge it was something they were happy to develop for the time that they did:

Laurie MacDonald: I think everyone felt creatively, 'Not quite; almost.'Walter Parkes: But worth a try.Laurie MacDonald: It was one of those things, because usually we all tire of everything trying to be made into a franchise, but to us it was actually such a crazy bold idea that's also the reason we said yes. It was just a crazy impulse that was worth exploring.

Fans of Men In Black will soon get to see the alternate direction that was chosen for the franchise, as Men In Black International is coming to a theater near you this Friday, June 14th. Between now and then, youre definitely going to want to keep coming back to CinemaBlend, because I will not only have more from my interview with the wonderfully informative Laurie MacDonald and Walter Parkes, but also my sit downs with stars Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, and Kumail Nanjiani.

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Captain Marvel Is Getting Seriously Trolled On Rotten Tomatoes

Captain Marvel Is Getting Seriously Trolled On Rotten Tomatoes

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been on a serious roll in Phase Three, as every single installment in the current slate of films has been a financial and critical success. Phase Three is coming to an end with Avengers: Endgame, but there's one more blockbuster arriving in theaters before The Russo Brothers' massive ensemble project arrives: Captain Marvel. The 90's period piece will provide origin stories for Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, and a variety of cosmic characters, before she crosses over in Endgame to assist the battle against Thanos.

Anticipation for Captain Marvel is at a fever pitch, and the early reactions to the film have been overwhelmingly positive. But there's one place that isn't feeling the love for Carol Danvers' upcoming blockbuster: Rotten Tomatoes. The review aggregating site has become a place for Captain Marvel trolling ahead of its release, with only 61% of users planning on seeing the blockbuster. While those numbers could have been worse, the comments section on Captain Marvel's RT is chock full of haters of the upcoming MCU installment.

Much of the hate in Captain Marvel's Rotten Tomatoes page seems headed Brie Larson's way, in direct response to press the she's done ahead of the release. When calling for more inclusion and diversity among film critics, Larson was quoted saying:

I dont need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didnt work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasnt made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, biracial women, to teen women of color.

This statement seems to have set off Captain Marvel haters, as they've used that comment as the reason they're not interesting in seeing Anna Bode and Ryan Fleck's upcoming MCU debut. Many of the RT users who said they weren't interested in seeing Captain Marvel directly referenced Brie Larson's comments. For example:

I somehow feel that Skull are not the enemy, but that I am, since Brie Larsen has been careful to state she doesn't want the Press Tour to include types like me.

Clearly Brie Larson's call for a more inclusive press pool has ticked off certain moviegoers, who are vowing to skip Captain Marvel and go straight to Avengers: Endgame without meeting the super powerful heroine.

Aside from those taking umbrage with Brie Larson's previous comments, there are also plenty of Rotten Tomatoes users who already feel like the upcoming blockbuster will be of poor quality, despite the film not being released to anyone but the press. One commenter wrote:

Terrible movie hate it already!!!!!!

While some moviegoers seem to have problems with Captain Marvel ahead of its release, reactions to the first screenings have been overwhelmingly positive. It'll be fascinating to see if this type of hate and trolling negatively affects the movie's box office performance, possibly ushering the first box office disappointment in Phase Three. Early tracking for the film's opening weekend is strong, so we'll just have to see how it all shakes out in a few weeks.

Captain Marvel will arrive in theaters on March 8th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Captain Marvel Is Getting Seriously Trolled On Rotten

Much of the hate in Captain Marvel's Rotten Tomatoes page seems headed Brie Larson's way, in direct response to press the she's done ahead of the release. When calling for more inclusion and
Trolls Are Already Review Bombing Captain Marvel on Rotten

Despite some sterling reviews from critics who were lucky enough to see the film early, not everyone is thrilled about the upcoming Captain Marvel film. Rotten Tomatoes users that some are dubbing
'Captain Marvel' Star Gets Political; 'Trolls' Hit Rotten

Captain Marvel is already getting review bombed on Rotten Tomatoes. Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, the next film on the Marvel Cinematic Universe's docket will officially introduce Brie Larson as Carol Danvers - the franchise's first female headlining hero who happens to also be the most powerful one .
On Rotten Tomatoes Captain Marvel is Being Trolled

Trolls Are Already Review Bombing Captain Marvel on Rotten Tomatoes. Captain Marvel is getting getting bombed on Rotten Tomatoes Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, The next film on the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Docket will officially introduce Brie Larson as Carol Danvers - the franchise's first female headlining hero who also be the most powerful one.
Rotten Tomatoes continues to block trolls amid "Captain

According to Rotten Tomatoes — at least for now — Captain Marvel has rapidly gone from highly anticipated to barely anticipated at all. As of the publication of this article, the film review site still shows the comic book blockbuster with a miserable "Want To See" score of 27%.
'Captain Marvel' Is Already Getting Bashed On Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes continues to block trolls amid "Captain Marvel" backlash in Disney , Entertainment , Marvel , Movies , Movies & TV Posted on May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019 by Bailee Abell 4 Comments
'Captain Marvel' gets trolled with negative Rotten Tomatoes

Captain Marvel Critics Consensus. Packed with action, humor, and visual thrills, Captain Marvel introduces the MCU's latest hero with an origin story that makes effective use of the franchise's
Captain Marvel (2019) - Rotten Tomatoes

'Captain Marvel' Is Already Getting Bashed On Rotten Tomatoes By Upset Fans Chris Mottram 20 Feb 2019 Despite Captain Marvel not being released until March 8, people are already going on Rotten Tomatoes to bash a film they haven't seen.
Captain Marvel (2019) - Rotten Tomatoes

My Issue with Captain Marvel comes from a bias love of the comic books. The movie itself is ok. despite some of its plot inconsistencies. In this incarnation, Mar-Vel is a woman, who instead of

Anticipation for Captain Marvel is at a fever pitch, and the early reactions to the film have been overwhelmingly positive. But there's one place that isn't feeling the love for Carol Danvers' upcoming blockbuster: Rotten Tomatoes.
Captain Marvel Is Getting Seriously Trolled On Rotten Tomatoes

Shazam!s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews

Shazam!s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews

On Thursday night, early viewers of DCs Shazam! were given the go-ahead to share their early reactions of the film ahead of its April release and the reviews are glowing! Critics are raving about the upcoming superhero flick for being a delightful, humorous and lovable addition to the DCEU.

Looks like Shazams director David F. Sandberg was lurking around Twitter just as fans started to sing their praises. The filmmaker recently took to Instagram to share some of the positive reactions to the film. Take a look:

David F. Sandberg captioned the slideshow of radiant reception with my evening probably amidst celebration and sighs of relief to see his film out in the world and embraced with open arms.

Since most of us have yet to see Shazam!, the Twitter blurbs offer some hype for the coming blockbuster. Early comparisons are to 1978s Superman, The Goonies, Harry Potter, Big and Home Alone. There have also been reports that its the best DCEU movie yet, while being family-friendly and heartful. The main cast of Zachary Levi and Jack Dylan Grazer were additionally given a pat on the back as well.

The Instagram post ends with the filmmaker hitting F5, a.k.a. the refresh button, to probably bask on more positive takes on Shazam! We can imagine David F. Sandberg is on cloud nine after all of those nice words about a project he has been developing for some time and many fans are getting ready to buy their tickets!

Shazam! is certainly David F. Sandbergs biggest directorial project to date, as he has helmed just two other feature length films prior: horror films Lights Out and Annabelle: Creation. The hero also isnt exactly as popular as say Batman or Superman. The DCEU hasnt always been seen in a positive light, so it was certainly wasn't a surefire winner when the filmmaker took it on.

The upcoming movie looks like it delivers on humor and action, per the footage weve seen thus far. And these early reactions certainly give moviegoers more confidence to check it out. Shazam! follows a 14-year-old foster kid, Billy Batson (Asher Angel) who is chosen to become an adult superhero (Zachary Levi) and has fun with his new powers alongside his friend Freddy Freeman (Jack Dylan Grazer), until a formidable villain, Dr. Sivana (Mark Strong) comes into the picture.

Shazam! will hit theaters on April 5, in between Marvels releases of Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame. Early tracking has Shazam! opening at $50 million but as the release draws closer, well have a better idea of how much of a success it will be. Last time DC released a superhero flick it made over one billion worldwide (Aquaman), so who knows? This early positive buzz certainly can only help the movie at the box office.

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My evening ????

A post shared by David F. Sandberg (@ponysmasher) on

Thanks for the comment, but Please read the review prior to commenting. This was the one thing I asked people not to address! I know about KAZAAM with Shaq. It's a completely different film! IF you read my review of SHAZAM vs the synopsis of KAZAAM you would see that there are virtually zero similarities.

On Thursday night, early viewers of DC's Shazam! were given the go-ahead to share their early reactions of the film ahead of its April release… and the reviews are glowing! Critics are raving
Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews

The director noted that Shazam! would differ from certain previous entries in the DCU in that the film would be a self-contained story rather than tie heavily into the rest of the cinematic universe. " Well this movie's mostly just about introducing Billy Batson and Shazam and who he is, how he came to be, " Sandberg elaborated.
Movie review - Shazam!
A Shazam! movie has been in development since the early 2000s, with the production of other DC Comics movies throwing various spanners in the works. In this final form, directed by David F. Sandberg from a screenplay by Henry Gayden, Shazam! is a movie that remembers superheroes were originally created for children.

On Thursday night, early viewers of DC's Shazam! were given the go-ahead to share their early reactions of the film ahead of its April release… and the reviews are glowing! Critics are raving about the upcoming superhero flick for being a delightful, humorous and lovable addition to the DCEU.
Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews

On Thursday night, early viewers of DC's Shazam! were given the go-ahead to share their early reactions of the film ahead of its April release… and the reviews are glowing! Critics are raving about the upcoming superhero flick for being a delightful, humorous and lovable add…
Shazam Director's Quote Further Proves That DC is Moving In a

Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews Movies March 8, 2019 No Comments On Thursday night, early viewers of DC's Shazam! were given the go-ahead to share their early reactions of the film ahead of its April release… and the reviews are glowing!
Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews

Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews 3 months ago On Thursday night, early viewers of DC's Shazam! were given the go-ahead to share their early reactions of the film ahead of its April release… and the reviews are glowing!
Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews

Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews

And it looks like Shazam! will be the same too. In an interview with, Shazam! director David Sandberg discussed how his film would be very much a standalone adventure. "It's [Shazam!] very standalone. You don't have to have seen any of the other films, because it's its own contained story.
SHAZAM! Director Discusses How The Film Stands On Its Own In

Home 2019 March 8 Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews feel free to call us +646-389-3981 admin , March 8, 2019 March 8, 2019 , Entertainment , 0
Shazam!'s Director Is Totally Reading The Early Reviews