IT Chapter Two Director Shares Bloody Photo Of Jessica Chastain

IT Chapter Two Director Shares Bloody Photo Of Jessica Chastain

IT was a smash hit that has already become one of the biggest horror movies ever made. The sequel is now in production and, while we certainly expect things will get dark, disturbing, and violent, things are already looking bad for Jessica Chastain. The actress will take over the role of Beverly for the follow-up and a new image of the actress with director Andy Muschietti shows that Bev is going to get bloody this time around. Check it out.

While Jessica Chastain looks quite happy in the picture above. I'm guessing that the scene that requires the top of her head to be covered in blood isn't nearly as happy an experience for her character. It seems clear that this blood is, in fact, hers, so Beverly is going to go through some stuff in It Chapter 2. While the image is, of course, keeping specific details of why Chastain would be covered in blood in the dark, it's not like spoilers for IT Chapter 2 aren't widely available. It's called the Stephen King novel. While the first movie did change a few details, the basic storyline remained intact, and it's a safe bet the same will be the case here.

Jessica Chastain was an early favorite to play the role of the adult Beverly in the follow-up to IT. Many fans thought she'd be perfect for the role and since she had worked with director Andy Muschietti before it seemed like it was a real possibility. Clearly, from this photo the director posted to Instagram, Chastain enjoys working with him and also tormenting him.

While Stephen King's novel IT jumps back and forth in time, following the same group of friends as both kids and adults, the films split the two eras and made the first movie entirely about the story of the Loser's Club fighting the evil force that takes the form of Pennywise the Clown when they were kids in Maine. The sequel will jump forward in time to the modern day and see the same group return home to fight the evil once again. Although, we know the original actors will be back again for the sequel, implying that the next movie will also contain flashbacks to events that took place either during or shortly after the events of the first movie.

IT was a movie that appealed to far more than simply the average horror movie fan, its box office success makes that much clear. This means there are clearly a lot of people who are looking forward to the other half of the story. Based on the hashtag that Andy Muschietti uses, it appears that filming on the sequel has been completed, or at the very least Jessica Chastain has completed her filming, which means the rest of the movie can't be too far behind.

Ch-ch-ch-ch chastain, and face the strange ???? sheĆ¢€™s soooo happy when she can smear her fake blood on me ?? @jessicachastain #championofhumans #beverlymarsh #wrappedbutnotforgotten pc: @barbaramus

A post shared by Andy Muschietti (@andy_muschietti) on

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Wait, Is Avengers: Endgame Getting An Intermission Internationally?

Wait, Is Avengers: Endgame Getting An Intermission Internationally?

One of the most talked about aspects of Avengers: Endgame has been the film's length. It clocks in at over three hours long, which has many people wondering how they're going to withstand it, sitting in a theater for that long, not really wanting to take a break for fear of missing anything. It turns out this might only be a problem domestically, as Avengers: Endgame may be getting an intermission in other countries.

The above image purportedly comes from a screening of Avengers: Endgame which recently took place in Italy, the film opened there on April 24. It appears that if you see the film in cinemas there, there is a five minute intermission inserted into the film.

This is something that a lot of people in North America would probably like to see. A five minute break to run to the bathroom or go get more snacks or just to stretch your legs would not be out of line. There are certainly going to be people who need to use the bathroom but aren't going to want to leave the theater for fear of missing something important in a movie that has built up over the last 11 years.

Intermissions aren't entirely unheard of in film, but they haven't been common in recent years. Films like Gone with the Wind and Lawrence of Arabia had intermissions built into them. Many films around three hours long did decades ago.

The most recent film with an intermission that I can recall was Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight, though that was only included as part of the longer "Road Show" version of the film. I found it a nice break, and it was structured in such a way that it helped add to the tension of the story. You had a few extra minutes to wonder what was going to happen next before you saw the result. Certainly, such a thing could certainly happen with Avengers: Endgame. And if we're all here for over three hours, what's an extra five or ten minutes?

It's unclear how widespread this phenomenon is. It could be just Italy, or even just this one theater, that has added the intermission, but it certainly wouldn't be surprising to see other places do something similar.

While movies, especially of the epic blockbuster variety, are routinely breaking the two hour mark these days, a movie hitting three hours is still a fairly rare occurrence. It's just a long time and it's a potentially difficult thing to juggle. On the one hand, you don't want to go to the bathroom in the middle, so maybe you forego food and drink before the film. But then again, you don't want to be distracted by your own hunger during the movie, so maybe food is needed.

Some places may get an extra break, but it won't be happening here, so if you're prepping for Avengers: Endgame tonight, be ready for three straight hours of sitting. Hopefully the chair is comfortable.

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