Keira Knightley Says She Only Watches Her Films Once

Keira Knightley Says She Only Watches Her Films Once

We all have favorite actors that we love to see in movies. We'll watch our favorite performances and favorite stories again and again. However, not every actor who makes those movies is quite as excited to watch them as the rest of us. Keira Knightley recently admitted that she doesn't like to watch herself on screen and will usually only watch her films once. According to Knightley...

No, yeah. I dunno, its just weird. Its like hearing your own voice. I dunno and I only see the bad bits. So, Im like, Oh, why did I do that?

As somebody who regularly has to transcribe interviews I have done, I know exactly how strange, and largely off-putting, hearing your own voice can be. It seems that for Keira Knightley, the experience is only amplified. She not only has to hear her own voice, but see herself on screen and watch all the decisions that she made, including the ones she wishes she could do over.

Knightley says she only watches her movies once "if that." I would assume that question comes down to whether or not she attends the premiere of her movies. If she makes it, that's probably the only time she ever sees the film in question. If she doesn't for whatever reason, then she probably never bothers to go back and see the final product.

Knightley is far from the only person who avoids watching her own work. Many in Hollywood have talked about how they rarely if ever watch themselves. Putting yourself up on the screen like that makes an actor quite vulnerable. However, it probably doesn't necessity feel that way when you're shooting the movie. As long as you never go back and watch the movie, you don't realize how much of yourself you're putting out there. Honestly, it's far better than if she loved her own movies so much that she watched them a lot. If that happened, we'd have to worry.

Check out Keira Knightley's full comments on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in the clip below.

Of course, one has to wonder if Keira Knightley might start watching more of her movies again over the next several years. She has a three and a half year old daughter, as she told Jimmy Fallon, and one has to assume that as that girl gets older and begins to understand just what it is her mother does, the kid is going to want to watch those films. As she becomes old enough to see them, Knightley might find her movies on in her house whether she likes it or not.Whether or not she likes that. Perhaps by then she'll be more comfortable with them.

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Jason Blum Is Down For More Halloween Sequels

Jason Blum Is Down For More Halloween Sequels

The last few years have been very successful for the horror genre, as plenty of new and exciting projects have been met with critical and box office acclaim. Movies like Get Out and Split have come from Blumhouse Productions, and now the horror house will put its spin on a real classic: Halloween. The new canon-defying sequel will arrive shortly, bringing back OG scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode. The upcoming Halloween is being teased as Laurie's final conflict with Michael Myers, but does Blumhouse have plans for more sequels? Jason Blum was recently asked just this. and responded enthusiastically with:

Yeah, for sure, for sure, 100 percent. Let me tell you, if we got six movies out of [Paranormal Activity] --- they found new footage five times in a row! --- I feel like we can figure out the next chapter. But we'll see.

In true horror fashion, Jason Blum isn't counting the Halloween franchise out just yet. Because if Blumhouse's catalogue of horror films is any indication, they know how to keep a property alive.

While partly in jest, Jason Blum's comments to EW show that Blumhouse Productions might just keep the Halloween property going after the upcoming sequel. John Carpenter's original movie debuted back in 1978, and the franchise has kept strong in the decades since Jamie Lee Curtis' Laurie Strode first faced off against Michael Myers. Horror properties rely on sequels, with this year's Halloween marks the whopping 11th film in the series.

Another potential Halloween sequel is going to depend on both the box office performance of this month's installment, as well as the film's contents. Halloween is currently being hyped up as Laurie Strode's final conflict with Michael Myers. This strongly hints that Jamie Lee Curtis' won't be back again, and that the scream queen might even perish during some point in the film. If that's the case, Blumhouse has done some set up to continue to the franchise, as the new Halloween will also focus on Laurie's daughter Karen (Judy Greer) and granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak).

Blumhouse Productions has had its own share of horror franchise, so it seems primed to start a new age of Halloween movies. The first Paranormal Activity broke new ground and brought the company a ton of profit, helping establish Blumhouse as a haven for horror projects. Blumouse is also responsible for acclaimed franchises Insidious, The Purge, and The Conjuring. Clearly they know how to make a concept work for multiple installments, and Halloween has such a massive following that the generations of fans would be happy for more and more sequels.

Halloween will arrive in theaters on October 19th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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