That Time Charlize Theron Ended Up In The Hospital Filming Long Shot

That Time Charlize Theron Ended Up In The Hospital Filming Long Shot

Shes been an evil queen, an imperator in an apocalyptic wasteland, a secret agent, a cyberterrorist and a serial killer, but for her next film, Long Shot, Charlize Theron is playing a role we dont often see her in: romantic comedy lead. Perhaps Charlize Theron should have stayed in the safe confines of the action genre though, because her rom-com adventure was dangerous enough to land her in the hospital, as she explained:

This is so stupid. We had to do a small little action thing, like a tiny little thing. And this really nice stunt guy wanted to put some kneepads on me. And as I sat down just to put the kneepads on, my hand slipped and my head hit a bench behind me. And I ended up in the ER. It was so stupid, I was like This is so embarrassing.

Head trauma is no joke, but Charlize Theron is right, smashing your head while putting on kneepads does sound embarrassing. It wasnt even before doing some super elaborate and daring stunt either; this wasnt Tom Cruise literally jumping from one building to another. As Charlize Theron told Seth Meyers on Late Night, it was a small, easy bit of action.

To be extra cautious, the stunt guy wanted Charlize Theron to wear kneepads. That overabundance of caution proved to be her downfall as the actress somehow slipped putting on the kneepads and hit her head, no doubt sending the stunt guy and the crew around her into a panic.

Maybe Charlize Theron is just so used to being a badass in movies that wearing something as decidedly un-badass as kneepads had an Achilles heel/kryptonite effect on her.

Long Shot isnt an action film, but as you can see from the trailer, there is some action in it. Of course, given the fall his character Fred Flarsky takes in the trailer, you would think that Seth Rogen would have been the one more likely to get injured, I mean, he's the one that's admittedly high all the time, while Charlize Theron has cut back.

But alas, it was a trip to the emergency room for the Oscar-winner who plays Secretary of State Charlotte Field in the movie. Its not the kind of role youd think would be an injury risk, but as an action-film veteran, Charlize Theron also told Seth Meyers Its always the ones you least expect.

The actress elaborated that its usually not the action films where she gets injured, but instead the films that dont look as dangerous, where she isn't expecting it. Another such example is Tully, where she gained 50 pounds and wound up getting a herniated disc in her back due to carrying around the extra weight.

Thats not to say that action films are entirely harmless endeavors either. While training for Atomic Blonde, Charlize Theron cracked her teeth in a brutal fashion that actually wound up requiring surgery. Thankfully, Charlize Theron is fine and her injury on the set of Long Shot seems rather tame by comparison.

Long Shot is now in theaters. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see all of this summers biggest movies, and for the latest movie news, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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One Big Difference Between Captain Marvels Nick Fury And His Present Day Self

One Big Difference Between Captain Marvels Nick Fury And His Present Day Self

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is in a fascinating place right now, as the entire shared universe as we know it is coming to an end. The insane events of Avengers: Infinity War will be concluded when Avengers 4 completes Phase Three, but before that we have the highly anticipated release of Captain Marvel. Starring Oscar winner Brie Larson, the next Marvel movie will take us back to the 90s, and introduce the most powerful hero audiences have seen yet. But there will also be plenty of familiar faces, the most exciting of which being Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury. Fury will be digitally de-aged and given back his eye in Captain Marvel, and now Jackson has revealed how the character will be different from the version audiences are used to. As he tells it,

The Nick Fury we meet is sort of a bureaucrat in an interesting sort of way. He hadn't become jaded or a slave to the cynicism that we normally see. He sort of respects the people that are above him, more so than the Nick Fury that people are used to.

Talk about a plot twist. It looks like we're meeting an inexperienced, hopeful, and lighter Nick Fury that the one who made his debut at the tail end of Iron Man. Fury has always been no nonsense and all action, so it should be fascinating to see how the character changes throughout the course of Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck's upcoming blockbuster.

It looks like Captain Marvel is going to really expand the part of Nick Fury, who has been an important part of the MCU since the jump. Despite being an undeniable badass and ultimately the man responsible for getting The Avengers together, moviegoers haven't really been privy to Nick Fury's inner workings. What is the true personality that lives underneath the eye patch? That's what Captain Marvel bring, as we meet Fury early into his tenure at S.H.I.E.L.D..

In his same conversation with EW, Samuel L. Jackson spoke about another aspect of Nick Fury that will be different in Captain Marvel: he can crack a joke. As Jackson revealed,

He has a greater sense of humor in this than anything I've done before.

As if we need another reason to get Captain Marvel tickets. Aside from fleshing out the MCU and bringing in a new hero, the upcoming blockbuster will also allow Samuel L. Jackson to flex his comedic muscles, and lighten up as Nick Fury for the first time in a decade of moviemaking.

All will be revealed when Captain Marvel arrives in theaters on March 8, 2019, followed by Avengers 4 on May 3rd. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Early Reactions Are In, Heres What People Are Saying

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Early Reactions Are In, Heres What People Are Saying

Sure, things in the DCEU might be a bit dark and adult-oriented, but the overarching DC mythos has plenty to offer when it comes to family-friendly content as well. While the adult heroes are off fighting Steppenwolf and Lex Luthor, the sidekicks have their own adventure coming in the form of Teen Titans Go! To The Movies. There's a lot of anticipation for the upcoming animated DC adventure, and early reactions from the film's first screening have hit the web. In fact, the opinions seem mostly positive. Check out one such response, below!

So, as you can see from what Germain Lussier had to say about Teen Titans Go! To The Movies, it looks like the film offers up some solid comedy that will appeal to the younger audiences in the theater. Beyond that, however, his tweet also acknowledges the notion that the sidekick-centric romp features some substantial subversion of traditional superhero tropes, along with some great cameos.

That's not the only reaction to Teen Titans Go! To The Movies that has hit the web since the film's first screening. Meg Downey also had a chance to screen the the DC project, and her reaction to the movie notes that it's a genuinely funny superhero adventure that will induce some great laughs. She wrote:

Lastly, we come to Scott Menzel, who had some seriously high praise for the quality of Teen Titans Go! To The Movies. Honing in on the positives with his response, he wrote that the DC adventure has even become his favorite animated movie of 2018 -- which is impressive when we consider the recent hit release of Brad Bird's Incredibles 2 over at Disney. He wrote:

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies takes a decidedly lighter approach to some of these beloved comic book heroes. Focusing on the titular Titans (the sidekick B squad of the Justice League roster), the film follows DC mainstays like Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire as they venture to Hollywood to thwart a villainous mastermind on a mission of world domination. It looks like the movie takes clear aim at some of the well-worn tropes of the superhero genre, and given the sheer saturation of traditional comic book movies in the Hollywood scene, one could make the argument that there's no better time for this type of cinematic outing.

So, that is the early critical consensus surrounding the release of Teen Titans Go! To The Movies, but there will undoubtedly be more opinions and more reactions as the sidekick-oriented, family-friendly comedy screens for more audiences. The film will open wide later this summer on July 27, 2018, and on the live-action side of the DC world, you can also catch the first solo adventure of Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) later this year when James Wan's Aquaman premieres on December 21.

To The Movies Early Reactions Are In, Here's What People Are Saying Movies July 2, 2018 No Comments Sure, things in the DCEU might be a bit dark and adult-oriented, but the overarching DC mythos has plenty to offer when it comes to family-friendly content as well.
First 'Teen Titans GO! to the Movies' Reactions Hit the Internet

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Early Reactions Are In, Here's What People Are Saying . 25 minutes ago. Sure, things in the DCEU might be a bit dark and adult-oriented, but the overarching DC mythos has plenty to offer when it comes to family-friendly content as well.
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Early Reactions Are In, Here's

It's nice hearing the Young Justice voices back, well some of them From the new movie Teen Titans: The Judas Contract.
Predictions for the 'Teen Titans Go!' movie? : boxoffice

To the Movies is a 2018 American animated superhero comedy film based on the television series Teen Titans Go!, which is adapted from the DC Comics superhero team of the same name. This film is written and produced by series developers Michael Jelenic and Aaron Horvath , and directed by series producer Peter Rida Michail and Horvath.

The dour tone of Titans is particularly galling this week, because Teen Titans Go! to the Movies opens this Friday and it couldn't look more different. It's colorful, it's cute, it has jokes
Teen Titans Meet Starfire (Flashback) - Teen Titans: The

The Teen Titans are getting their own film that will hot in theaters later this summer! While the campy parody has been on Cartoon Network since 2013, this will be the first outing to the movies for the superhero team! While official reviews are still a ways away, some lucky fans did get a chance
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies - CINEMABLEND

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Early Reactions Are In, Here's

A new Teen Titans Go! to the Movies poster is out, and it doubles at an amusing jab at Justice League. The Teen Titans are finally making the jump to the big screen, but it isn't in the way you
Titans Exposes Everything Wrong with DC's Gritty, Boring

The movie is coming out the same day as Mission Impossible 6. The most this movie will make is $30 million. It will probably lose to Mission Impossible 6 which could make twice as much as Teen Titans Go! on opening weekend. The movie will probably make 70 million domestic and 120 million worldwide.
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies - Wikipedia

Early reactions to Teen Titans Go! ToThe Movies have started to hit the web. Here's what people are saying about it!
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies Early Reactions Are In, Here's

DC Comics' premiere team of young heroes and sidekicks is heading to movie theaters this summer, and a few lucky people have been treated to an early screening.First reactions to Teen Titans GO
Teen Titans Go To The Movies First Reactions Hit Online.