The Fascinating Way Avengers: Infinity Wars Writers Juggle Marvels Continuity Issues

The Fascinating Way Avengers: Infinity Wars Writers Juggle Marvels Continuity Issues

Needless to say, there will be spoilers in this article, so stop reading now if you want to go into Avengers: Infinity War knowing nothing.

Taking on one Marvel Studios movie is daunting. Taking on several Marvel Studios movies, and trying to connect them, is even more challenging. But writing the screenplay for the mother of all Marvel team up movies -- and then figuring out how it affects all of the MCU movies that surrounds it, is insanity. This is the task given to Avengers: Infinity War writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, who opened up to CinemaBlend about their process on the set of War, giving outstanding insight into how the machinations of the MCU are mapped out. They told us:

Stephen McFeely: Well, there's a lot of conversations, right?... We have had to juggle both Marvel -- Black Panther, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and Marvel -- specifically because they all exist in various ways in and around these two [Avengers] movies.Christopher Markus: Thor 3McFeely: Well, at least that's before this first movie. Black Panther is, too. So we think we handled it, and solved it in fairly clever ways. But it certainly was an issue. If you wanna do what you wanna do here, how does it affect this movie and not just make this movie.Markus: How do you not fall into the trap of what these movies are sometimes accused of, which is just sometimes feeding each other and not being standalone things. ... You can't make them overly dependent on each other, and yet you still want to have this bloodstream flowing through the universe.McFeely: Peyton Reed and his group of writers are going to make whatever movie they want. We had very small requests like, 'It would be great if right there that person was -- is that okay? Good?' You always make the best movie you can. Same thing with Black Panther and same thing with Captain Marvel. They're gonna make the movies they're gonna make. And in this unique case, [we make] very small tiny suggestions for beginnings and endings like that.

This is what happens when you build a cinematic universe. But also when you hire good stewards of your cinematic universe LIKE Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. Because they are going to actually think how one movie can affect several movies. And they will let the different filmmakers make their own films. But the attention to continuity remains.

For now, Joe and Anthony Russo's Avengers: Infinity War looks a lot like this:

Infinity War opens in theaters on April 27. All of our Avengers: Infinity War set coverage can be found here. And you can bookmark our Upcoming Marvel Movies guide to stay up to date on all of the future happenings in the MCU.

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The Deadpool Cast Has Ideas About Who Survived Thanos' Snap

The Deadpool Cast Has Ideas About Who Survived Thanos' Snap

It's been several months since Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half the universe in Avengers: Infinity War and fans have largely recovered from the shock and tears. Marvel has more or less confirmed the status of several side characters whose fate wasn't revealed in the movie, but what about superheroes in the other cinematic universes? If Thanos' snap reached all the way to Fox's door, it doesn't sound like many characters from this summer's Deadpool 2 made it out alive. The cast of the sequel was asked if they think they would have survived and asides from Domino, no one was too confident.

The Disney-Fox deal is inching farther and farther to completion, and though the X-Men and Deadpool seem destined to appear in the MCU, we're still a while from that reality. However, that can't stop the cast of Deadpool from wondering if their characters would have survived Thanos' famous snap that destroyed half of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Overall, the cast wasn't too sure of their chances, but the universal agreement was that Domino definitely survived. Thanks to her luck powers, which were shown off in fun and surprisingly cinematic ways in Deadpool 2, Domino likely would have been unaffected by the snap. Afterall, a 50-50 shot is pretty good when you're born lucky.

The rest of the cast wasn't feeling too lucky. Colossus actor Stefan Kapicic felt optimistic that Colossus made it through unscathed. Ryan Reynolds was less confident about that. The Deadpool star jokingly told HuffPost that Colossus was the first to die and "dishonorably" at that. However, Reynolds doesn't see how anyone can survive Thanos, though, that might have something to do with Reynolds envisioning Thanos snapping to West Side Story.

Karan Soni, who plays Dopinder, thinks that he has a good shot of surviving because he's tight with Thanos' actor, Josh Brolin. Soni and Brolin apparently DM each other all the time, so he's got an in when it comes time to snap half the universe to death. Brolin, of course, played both Thanos and Deadpool 2's Cable this summer, giving these two separate movies at least a minor connection.

While everyone has fun imagining these "What Ifs," one day it might be a reality. When Disney acquires Fox's media assets, that will include Marvel superheroes, which means the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool could be a part of the MCU. How exactly these characters would be incorporated is anyone's guess, but it'll certainly be interesting to see one day.

To enjoy more from the Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool 2: The Super Duper Cut released on Digital HD August 7, and the extended cut will be arriving on Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD on August 21.

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